Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Arcade Fire No Cars Go

5-4-07 Arcade Fire Show....am I in Love?

You know, the more and more I look back on last Friday the more I think....Damn...what an awesome show! I saw the Arcade Fire show from the front row.... literally right in front of the lead singers mic. But there was one girl who kept making eye contact with me....and yes, she was in the band. Was I lost? Am I that guy who was stage/star struck? The answer....yes. And to be honest...she's not even that hot!! AHHHH!!!!!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Time to catch up....

I know many of you are furious that I haven't updated this blog. I get all the bad looks, the sighs, the occasional roll of the eyes. Well, I'm here to say that no longer will you have to wait. It's time to talk, time to blog, time to express myself!!

It's been about 5 weeks now and I'm down 25lbs. Can you believe it? I never in my wildest dreams thought I could actually do this. The best part is that I've figured out a way to include some non-nutrisystems meals in my diet. The difference.... just healthier. I eat lean meat, more chicken and more veggies. I try to have a salad with every meal and I eat the good carbs. I hope that by the time July 1 rolls around (30th b-day) I'll be down 50lbs. That will put me 10 lbs away from my goal weight which is 210. I'm making it happen!! Watch me......

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Week 3 Weigh-In....

I haven't updated in awhile but I wanted to keep everyone up to date on my progress. So far after about 3 weeks I have lost 15 lbs. I'm pretty sure the weight loss is going to slow down as the weeks grow older, but I'm pretty amazed in my ability to stay the course. I usually frail and give in to the pressure but I'm not this time. In fact, I just reordered my 2nd month of food from Nutrisystem. This time I took entrees I didn't enjoy, removed them and added more entrees I did enjoy. I'm pretty much used to everything I need to eat and the portions I have to eat.

There has only been a few days where it was hard to not think about food. For instance, last Thursday my co-workers and I had a meeting with our GM in the conference room and everyone was given their own personal pizza from California Pizza Kitchen. Talk about pressure....pizza was everywhere and people were like "sorry Trav, I know this has to hurt." But I just watched....drank my water and went on my way. I didn't give in! Then there was last night, I was STARVING! In fact, all day I was unusually hungry. I ate some bigger portions of my food but didn't go overboard. I haven't been that hungry in awhile and I knew it was just temporary. The end result will mean so much more if I just ignore those cravings. I was practically begging Rose to go somewhere with me and eat. I just wanted to eat out somewhere. However she was over it, so I made my meal.

Now if I can only convince her to go to the game tonight.....

Alright, enjoy!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

2 week weigh in....

Forgot to mention.... Started at 267, now I'm down to 258. Hells yea!!

Update Day 15

I haven't posted on here in awhile and I'm sorry for that. Nevertheless, I have some updates I would like to share. First off, over the Easter Holiday I went down to Richmond mainly to see my family but also to bring back a treadmill that's been sitting in my mom's garage for 2 years. I brought it back and used it last night. While it needed some minor maintenance, it worked out well. I ran/walked 2.5 miles and plan on using it about 3-5 times per week. Since I haven't been on a run in quite some time, I need to start slow. Therefore I plan on using it 3 times this week, 4 times next week and 5 from there on out. I will run about 30 min/day which will give my body a nice workout. I must admit my body is a little soar, but it's a good pain you know.

As far as the NuTrav diet is going; I can't complain. I am more and more used to the portions and the food. Like I've been saying for a while now....I'm going to make this work. I will lose 50 lbs one way or another.

Hope everyone had a nice holiday and keep reading...more to come....

Friday, April 6, 2007

Daily Caption Contest...

Below, I will post a picture and you must create a caption by posting a comment that you think goes along with the picture. On the next day, I will name a winner.


And the winner is....

I feel we have a winner.... it goes to......

Noah who said,

Israelis and Germans (judging by the flags) uniting to protest Scientology . . . the world truly is upside down.

More to come....

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Back to the point...

I started this blog to detail my weight loss but unfortunately have fallen off the point. I need to get back to what this blog is all about... There were many distractions (Jenny, Kate, colleagues who hate MY caption contest results, etc...) but I need to stay the course. With that being said....let's roll....

Yesterday I had a very good breakfast and lunch, despite the fact I had "bars" as my entree. I matched it with a good sandwich, fruit and salad. Dinner was delicious as always. The food is really not that bad. I will say this however, my meals are very filling. I feel I'm actually eating more. I can already tell that my body is much healthier. I feel less fatigued and more energized. The test will be this weekend. I'm going down to Richmond to see ma dukes so I'm sure she's going to want to cook me something delicious or go out and eat. I just need to continue the discipline I've shown and eat healthy no matter where we go, if we go. I'm very confident in my ability to make this work. I'll also be picking up a treadmill that my parents are not using so I can start some exercise. There are many factors that NuTrav has faced and has YET to face. But I must stay true, eat well and now....run like Forest.....

Stay tuned for more.....

Daily Caption Contest...

Below, I will post a picture and you must create a caption by posting a comment that you think goes along with the picture. On the next day, I will name a winner.


And the winner is....

Given there were only 3 contestants, I didn't have many to choose from. However one stood out and without further adieu.....

The winner for April 4th is... LIAM!!

Following the grisly sleigh crash, Santa was left with moderate damage to his left frontal lobe and an irrational fear of flying. A crack team of elves began testing other potential methods for Christmas Eve transportation.

Stay tuned for more....

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Daily Caption Contest...

Below, I will post a picture and you must create a caption by posting a comment that you think goes along with the picture. On the next day, I will name a winner.


And the winner is....

I have reviewed the comments and have 1 clear cut winner for the April 3rd 2007 post....

Erik with....

You might be a redneck if...

Stay tuned for another caption contest....

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Day 8:

Today has been fine....breakfast and lunch were good. I had a nice snack this afternoon and that was good as well. I ate some yogurt (never been a big fan) and I didn't think I'd like it....but again. I was surprised to find out that I did indeed enjoy it. I wonder if it's because I'm just so hungry that I'll eat anything? Whatever the case may be.... I'm getting used to this diet. I'm on my 2nd week and hopefully soon I won't even think about my diet and just eat right and follow the plan.

From time to time I find myself looking into my trusty daily program journal to make sure I'm eating everything it tells me too. Sooner or later I'm going to just have it etched in my brain and I won't have to use the book.

I went grocery shopping yesterday and restocked the necessary items by diet calls for on a daily basis. Stuff like spinach salad (any salad will do, but I wanted spinach leaves), yogurt, milk, fruit, vegetables, etc... If I continue this pace I should lose it all quite quickly.


Question of the Day....

More likely to be converted into Scientologists - The Beckhams(David + Posh) or The Lo's (Jennifer Lopez + Marc "Skeletor" Anthony)?

Daily Caption Contest...

Below, I will post a picture and you must create a caption by posting a comment that you think goes along with the picture. On the next day, I will name a winner.


And the winner is....

After careful deliberation, I have come to a conclusion...

The winner for the April 2nd 2007 post is.....

Kevin (again) with....

Faced with the realization that he would have to show up to work in the same clothes as he wore the day before, and knowing that no one would believe he was able to get lucky, Kevin took this photo as proof of his conquest. He thought, "she may have been a porker, but look at that set of tits."

Honorable mention goes to Liam with...

For his next movie-- set in a post-nuclear-apocalyptic dystopia-- Jim Carrey gains 23 pounds, shrinks 23 inches, and dons a sweater with 23 red lines. During the 23 months of filming, Jim's girlfriend, Jenny McCarthy, grew 23 nipples.